German music biz magazine „MusikWoche“ published a whole dossier on music NFTs and beyond UN1KART contributed some recent insights to it – Sorry – all in German language, but deepL might...
In the run-up to ‚documenta fifteen‚, which will take place this year in Kassel for 100 days starting on June 18, the team from art gallery and artist community Kunsttempel has launched a conceptual art project that focuses on generative art...
Until now, bitcoin has been virtually synonymous with blockchain technology This year, the NFT has been added as a synonym Like bitcoin, an NFT is a token on the (respective) blockchain All coins and tokens stand for predefined values These can be money-like values, but also values such as...
Tokenization is a core feature of all blockchain protocols and will probably be blockchain’s most dominant innovation as it enables valuation for literally anything Bitcoin is a coin or token on the bitcoin blockchain protocol Ethereum blockchain protocol’s own coin...
Blockchain is basically a mixture of existing technologies, ie distributed ledgers / peer-to-peer networks and cryptography, supplemented by some very smart verification mechanisms to confirm the correctness of transaction data to be stored in a sequence called ‘blocks’ To connect these blocks,...